Lead-free Electroceramics
- BNKT, a lead-free voltage device, is made by
mixing components in a certain ratio, adding
impurities, and sintering at high temperature.
- Materials that can mutually convert mechanical vibration energy into electrical energy and elec- trical energy into mechanical vibration energy, with very high conversion efficiency.
- The principle of converting vibration into
electrical energy is used as an acceleration
sensor, and sound in the audible range is used as a pickup, microphone, speaker, buzzer, etc. It is used as a pickup, microphone, speaker,
buzzer, etc. in record discs using the principle of mutual conversion of audible sound into elec-
trical energy. In addition, it can generate a
high-voltage spark when subjected to external
force or pressure. It can generate a high-voltage
spark, so it is applied to gas appl-iance ignitors
and piezoelectric transformers.